• James - Lesson 740:03

  • James - Lesson 847:11

  • James - Lesson 341:44

  • James - Lesson 145:25

  • James - Summary35:46

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The Bible studies on this website are intended for personal use only. You may download or print the study guides. You may listen to the podcasts and print or make photocopies of the study guides for a small Bible study group setting, but charge only the cost of copying. The audio recordings go along with the study guides. You must not adapt, edit, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute (except as described above), redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast, or show or play in public this website or the material on this website (in any form or media) without Linda Pringle’s prior written permission. You may request permission to use the copyright materials on this website by writing to linda@gapbc.org or Grace and Peace Biblical Counseling, 2764 Compass Drive, #217-2, Grand Junction, CO 81506.

  • James - Lesson 539:36

  • James - Lesson 440:21

James Bible Study

Compared to many other books of the Bible, James is easy to read and yet very challenging. It is inspirational and yet convicting. It is very direct and yet easily misunderstood. No matter how long you have been a Christian, James will encourage a perfected faith in your daily walk with Christ.

We will see through this study that faith in Christ naturally produces growth just like peach blossoms in the spring naturally produce mature fruit in the fall. When the orchard grower sees the blossoms he anticipates sweet, ripe peaches. Although the peaches produce naturally, he knows that he can take steps to ensure a bountiful harvest. He must work to prune the trees and protect them from frost, insects, and disease. Then he must carefully watch to harvest the peaches at the right time so they don’t fall to the ground and spoil.

As I see my faith bloom, I anticipate a mature, perfected faith as I work with God to bring a sweet harvest in my life and the lives of others. James 2:22 says, "You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected." The more we take steps of faith (even when we are fearful or discouraged), the more we will see His abundant blessings, which in turn will increase our faith. If you don’t step out in faith, your faith won’t go anywhere!

My prayer for this study is that our faith will be perfected as our lives become more fully devoted to Christ. I pray that the sweet fruit of mature faith will be enjoyed by everyone with whom we have contact!   

In His Love,
Linda Pringle

Below are podcasts with study guides and other handouts for each lesson.

This Bible study is designed for you to listen to the message before doing study guide. 

​​​​​​​​​Grace and Peace Biblical Counseling

Christian counseling in Grand Junction, Colorado

We use the Bible to help those struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, addictions, marriage or family problems.

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  • James - Lesson 241:58

  • James - Lesson 642:54